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Combats Spam While Defending Open Communication

Miami, Florida—March 1, 2006—Mujica Technologies, Inc. today announced the release of the first comprehensive, “Full Service Reputation Management” solution.  This offering enables email senders to take responsibility for their communications while maintaining free and open access for end users.

The openness of email has resulted in unscrupulous marketers, thieves and hackers cluttering, abusing and hindering email as a viable method of communication and threatening its future development and effectiveness. According to a 2005 study by MX Logic, nearly 80% of all email sent is spam, and in addition to being a nuisance in end users’ inboxes, in 2005 it cost businesses and ISPs approximately $22 billion in revenues, lost productivity and other resources, according to Ferris Research.  Furthermore, according to David Ferris in 2003, companies lose approximately $3 billion per year dealing with “false positives,” which are valid messages accidentally filtered out as spam. In fact, it is estimated that one quarter of legitimate commercial emails do not get through to the end users who requested them.

The challenges facing email users today are complex and clearly need to be dealt with. Until now, however, the products and/or services available in the market have only addressed part of the problem. The ultimate resolution must allow valid information to reach its intended recipients while preventing spam, viruses and other hazards from getting through as well.

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